CARBON FILTER for Holding Tank Vent
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Carbon Filter
A Carbon Filter is a useful addition to a holding tank vent pipe to reduce the odour of decomposing sewage. The activated carbon in the filter absorbs and converts the odours from your holding tank.
Note: The Carbon Filter is not a substitute for good ventilation of the holding tank. It is designed to remove excess odour from a properly functioning holding tank. Holding tanks require good ventilation to ensure aerobic decomposition. Anaerobic decomposition due to lack of oxygen is the major cause of holding tank odour through H2S production (rotten egg smell).
Download Info Sheet
- Odour removal - Reduces holding tank smells topside
- Mounting options - Saddles for mounting, or screw directly to a bulkhead
- Hose size options - Dual tail setup to fit 19mm and 25mm hose
- Clear bottom - Able to check fluid has not entered filter
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I mount my carbon filter horizontal or vertical ?
All carbon filters must be mounted vertically as in the case of horizontal mounting the carbon granules will settle leaving a space above for air to pass without going through the carbon. If it is not practical to mount vertically, an angle of 45 deg will be OK. We suggest mounting the carbon filter with the clear end to the hose from the tank so you can check that no liquid has got through the hose and into the filter.